City Island Yacht Club

Incorporated 1907

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CIYC Events Calendar

Stormwater Abatement Course

City Island Yacht Club 63 Pilot St., City Island, NY, United States

Saturday, March 26 Start time: 10am at CIYC Stormwater Abatement Course for people conducting repairs in the yard. This course is mandatory for anyone working on a boat in the yard. There will be a sign-in sheet. Facilitator: Leigh Beer… Continue Reading Stormwater Abatement Course

Spring General Membership Meeting

City Island Yacht Club 63 Pilot St., City Island, NY, United States

Wednesday April 6 Note: The correct start time is 7pm.  Please attend this semi-annual member meeting. This is an opportunity to learn about the 2022 sailing season at CIYC: events, plots, plans, what's new, what's on, and who's doing what.… Continue Reading Spring General Membership Meeting

Private Event

City Island Yacht Club 63 Pilot St., City Island, NY, United States

Naval Intelligence Professionals meeting with catered lunch. Time not firm. 

Going Out of Commission

City Island Yacht Club 63 Pilot St., City Island, NY, United States

Hold the date!

New to City Island Yacht Club?

Please see our Membership page for further information. We welcome new and prospective members to visit and to tour our facilities. Call the Club office at 718-885-2487