CIYC Events Calendar
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- longislandsailboatracing
TGIF Sunset Series Race
Kick-off the weekend the right way! This casual race starts at 7pm and is followed by libations and music at The Galley. Registration required. See TGIF Sunset Series notice of race and instructions here.
Sunday Jams Series Race
City Island Yacht Club 63 Pilot St., City Island, NY, United StatesThis weekend race is sure to put you in a great mood on Sunday evening. This casual race starts at 4pm and is followed by beers and cheers on the dock and then dinner in The Galley. No registration required.… Continue Reading Sunday Jams Series Race
Big Tom Wednesday Night Series Race #14
City Island Yacht Club 63 Pilot St., City Island, NY, United StatesSunday Jams Series Race
City Island Yacht Club 63 Pilot St., City Island, NY, United StatesThis weekend race is sure to put you in a great mood on Sunday evening. This casual race starts at 4pm and is followed by beers and cheers on the dock and then dinner in The Galley. No registration required.… Continue Reading Sunday Jams Series Race
Sayers Series Race
City Island Yacht Club 63 Pilot St., City Island, NY, United StatesThis is a great family event at the end of the sailing season. Don't miss it! Information contact: Rich Coar or 917.370.7938 Register on EventBrite.
Sunday Jams Series Race
City Island Yacht Club 63 Pilot St., City Island, NY, United StatesThe City Island Yacht Club cordially invites all cruisers, day sailors, and racers alike, to come out for a series of relaxed Sunday jib and main races. The races will be short, approximately one hour, and the courses will be… Continue Reading Sunday Jams Series Race
Sunday Jams Series Race
City Island Yacht Club 63 Pilot St., City Island, NY, United StatesThe City Island Yacht Club cordially invites all cruisers, day sailors, and racers alike, to come out for a series of relaxed Sunday jib and main races. The races will be short, approximately one hour, and the courses will be… Continue Reading Sunday Jams Series Race
Sunday Jams Series Race
City Island Yacht Club 63 Pilot St., City Island, NY, United StatesThe City Island Yacht Club cordially invites all cruisers, day sailors, and racers alike, to come out for a series of relaxed Sunday jib and main races. The races will be short, approximately one hour, and the courses will be… Continue Reading Sunday Jams Series Race
Sunday Jams Series Race
City Island Yacht Club 63 Pilot St., City Island, NY, United StatesThe City Island Yacht Club cordially invites all cruisers, day sailors, and racers alike, to come out for a series of relaxed Sunday jib and main races. The races will be short, approximately one hour, and the courses will be… Continue Reading Sunday Jams Series Race
Sunday Jams Series Race
City Island Yacht Club 63 Pilot St., City Island, NY, United StatesThe City Island Yacht Club cordially invites all cruisers, day sailors, and racers alike, to come out for a series of relaxed Sunday jib and main races. The races will be short, approximately one hour, and the courses will be… Continue Reading Sunday Jams Series Race
New to City Island Yacht Club?
Please see our Membership page for further information. We welcome new and prospective members to visit and to tour our facilities. Call the Club office at 718-885-2487