City Island Yacht Club

Incorporated 1907

COVID-19 Protocol Adopted April 13, 2020

Per the directives from New York State DOH and New York City DOH, City Island Yacht Club has adopted the following prevention protocols to ensure the safety of its members and guests.

“Individuals must procure, fashion, or otherwise obtain face coverings and wear them when they are in a public and are: 

  • within six feet of distance from other individuals; or 
  • in a situation or setting where they are unable to maintain six feet of distance from other individuals; or 
  • in a public or private transportation carrier or for-hire vehicle.” 

Please wear your mask at all times while on the CIYC site, except when you are eating, drinking or smoking. Masks must be worn on the Club launches. Children under 2 and those who cannot tolerate a mask due to health conditions are exempt. Respect our members and protect your family members.

Stay safe!

Wear a mask!

Wash your hands!


Commodore Ira S. Bigeleisen
