SUNDAY – AUGUST 15, 2021
This race is administered by City Island YC. The race is held on the waters of Western Long Island Sound. The start is in the vicinity of Can “1”, northeast of Execution Rocks Light House..
There will be divisions for PHRF Spinnaker and PHRF Non-Spinnaker boats, One Design and IRC. Guest moorings with access to all City Island YC facilities can also be arranged.
This race is a qualifying race for the Yacht Racing Association of Long Island Sound (YRALIS) Gitana, Sappho, Competitors, Kings Point and Mertz annual trophies.
This race is also a qualifying race for the Western Sound Triple Crown Perpetual Trophy {Link 1.8 CIYC TRIPLE CROWN Web Page} which is awarded to the boat with the best performance in all three of the following three races;
- Port Washington Yacht Club Day Race – Saturday June 6, 2021
- City Island Yacht Club Day Race – Sunday, August 15, 2021
- Douglaston Yacht Squadron Captain Island Race – Saturday, September 11, 2021
The City Island Yacht Club Day Race is managed on Yachtscoring’s web site. {Link 1.4.1}
Registration and payment may be made on this web site. The Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions are also posted here as are general announcements and results.
For additional information go to the CIYC Day Race page on