City Island Yacht Club

Incorporated 1907

City Island Yacht Club to Northport Yacht Club Report (July 2021)

How great was the sell-out CIYC cruise of 2021? So great that a pod of dolphins greeted us at Hempstead Harbor and accompanied us at least as far as Oyster Bay. And we have the video to prove it!

We escaped from Big Tom between 10a and noon on Saturday (less than 12 hours after Tropical Storm Elsa churned Eastchester Bay with 35-knot winds) heading to the Northport Yacht Club. The winds had left with Elsa, and the Sound was calm. Above there were lots of clouds and cool temperatures. It was a perfect day to motor. And there were also the dolphins.

Everyone pulled into the Northport Yacht Club in plenty of time to grab one of their yellow moorings and make it to the nearby Northport Town Park in time for a wine, cheese, charcuterie feast before grabbing dinner at the Rockin’ Fish. (Be prepared for a bit of wait in you walk in with 10 or more folks. It wasn’t so bad as many had fortified themselves at the park.)

Sunday morning, most of the vessels departed about 10–ish, though Kestril snuck out shortly after 6a and was kind enough to give the rest of us wind reports. The wind built and shifted a bit as the day went on to give us all a chance to have a decent amount of heel.

So, with a tip of the hat to the caterers and dolphins, I declare the trip a success.


